Thursday, April 19, 2012

Activities for the little man

This Activity was inspired by looking at the Daily Deal that Michaels had today.  These glass rocks were 1.00 for a bag. I had originally thought I would get a few different bags, each being a different color so that they could be used in a variety of math games (examples being sorting, patterens and addition). That thought changed when I got to the store a realized that they had a bag of glass rocks that were different colors and sizes, so that is what I got.  When I got home I went to my closet of empty containers from other household items (I love when I can get two uses out of something).  I found the container from the Cottonelle Flushable wipes, and an egg carton.  I gave these items to little A man and sat back to see what he would do. 
At first he just ran his hands through the glass rocks.

The above, and lower picture are showing what he did with them.  I did not give him any direction so he could explore.  As he gets familar with this activity I will than start giving sugestions as to things he can do; sorting, counting, colors.  Than as he gets older we will progress to addition and subtraction activities.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Friends Baby shower!

The theme of this shower was very difficult for me to decide because there are so many cute things out there.  I originally started out with the colors grey and peach since that was the Mommy to be's Nursery colors (she is having a girl). I was having trouble deciding what to do as far and decorations for it.  Do you know how hard it is to find things (paper, fabric, etc.) in that color scheme?!? Lets just say I was not having an easy time.  So I was looking through my fabrics to find an inspiration and BAM! The following fabrics stood out to me:
Thus I switched from grey and peach to Pink and Green.  Once I changed the colors let me tell you the flood gates opened and I had so many ideas pop to my head.  Through the following picture I will show you my inspirations and how they really panned out! 
When a friend of mine mentioned that she was getting rid of a crib I had the thoght that I could paint it, to bring more color into the space we were having the party.  I than thought what would be more appropriate to hold presents that the crib.  Once I brought it home I had to than decide what color to paint it.  Ace Hardware store was giving away a quart of paint one Saturday and so I went to look at colors and chose the one below.  I don't remember the name (if I find it I will post it) but I LOVE it!  I sanded the wood (this was a light stain on the wood), so that the paint would stick.  Than I spent a few nights in my garage painting.

Here it is all put together with a few decorations; balloons, and the bloomer garland.

The bloomer garland idea came to me as I was gong through my daughters clothing and realized how many pink and green bloomers I had for her, so I strung them up!

This I put on one of the walls in my dining room, I chose an E because they are naming their little girl Emma (so cute don't you think!).  In the other frame is a card that says Baby Girl (I recieved this at my baby shower for my daughter). 

My wonderful friends brought the food for this event and mmm it was delish!

In my entry way I had my buffet table:

In the basket I had envelopes with the Thank You cards for our guest of honor.  Each guest wrote their address on the front of the envelope; makes it easier for the Thank you cards to go out.   One of the games we played started as soon as people walked in the door.  Every one grabbed a few clothes pins and if you heard some one say Baby you got to steal one of their pins.  The person at the end of the party got a prize. 

This was another game that we played.  Inside each diaper is a different cany bar melted.  Each person had to guess what type of candy bar was in melted.  For this activity I used the following chocolate bars: Carmello, Rolo, York, Heath, Almond Joy, Kit Kat, Cookies and Creme, Payday. 

The next game we played was an old childhood favorite; Memory.  The items shown hanging on the garland in front of the crib were the items for the game.  The best part was I didn't tell any body until I had taken the items down and they really had to go from memory.  Items that were part of the game were Pj set, Milk storage, formula packets, bibs, socks and disposible changing pads.  Everything here, except the bloomers, were hers to keep (they were my gift to her). 

These were the favors that each guest left with green apples (of course) and a baby jar full of the easiest and most delicous tasting caramel dipping sauce, you can find that recipie here. 

This was a blast to do for my good friend and neighbor! I had so much fun creating it!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thank You!

I love how this thanks you card came out. I just took some paper and than some little doodads I have had laying around and put them with some simple paper and wala! this cute card to give to our Primary President who is getting released on Sunday! I really love how this came out!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cont. Post

This card is a great one for friends on Valentines Day but if you change the colors you can make it for any day of the year!

Valentine Cards

Request of my wonderful sister Laura, I am starting a Craft Blog. I will post pictures of cards that I make as well as some layouts for scrapbooks. As I come up with more craft ideas I will post them as well. First cards that I thought would be appropriate to post would be for Valentines Day.